Work with me 1:1 online and finally take back control of your IBS using gut directed hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Working together over 6 sessions I'll help you restore regular gut function, relieve pain and discomfort, and help get you back to enjoying life again - by correcting the faulty gut brain communication.

With a personalised, supportive and caring approach, The Calm Gut Program is evidence based and backed by science.

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The Calm Gut Program:
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

You're ready to end the debilitating IBS flare ups, but you feel like you've already tried everything...

From the low FODMAP diet to expensive supplements to prescription and over the counter medication... Maybe you just have to live the rest of your life with unpredictable flare ups and all that comes with them? I get it, you’re completely fed up. No matter how long you’ve been struggling with IBS, I'm here to guide you through a proven process of getting long term relief from your symptoms - without restrictive diets or medications. 

The Calm Gut IBS online program is a unique blend of gut directed hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy & wellness coaching backed by science and over 35 years of evidence. My approach goes beyond nutrition and the food you are eating, and instead we focus on the underlying reason for your IBS symptoms - the miscommunication  happening between your gut and brain.

If you are ready to end the ongoing struggle and finally get your IBS symptoms under control, then working together will help you achieve the relief you have been desperately searching for. In fact  gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS sees on average a reduction in symptoms of over 70%. And the best part? I work with clients online all over the world, so we can work together no matter where you live.

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Who is The Calm Gut Program for?

You are tired of following restrictive diets such as low FODMAP, and living off a small list of ''safe'' foods which don't trigger your gut symptoms. You want to get back eating off a menu again, enjoying meals out with friends, and not having to constantly ask yourself ''can I eat this?''

You lost confidence and trust in your body when your IBS symptoms started to feel out of control. You've forgotten what it's like to go to the toilet when you're ready, instead of your gut telling you when it's time. You want to feel back in control of your bowel again, and live life on your terms.

Your IBS is stopping from you from saying yes to weekends away, new job opportunities and nights out with friends. You've been caught away from home with severe pain or that dreaded sense of urgency one too many times, and it just feels easier to say no. You're now ready to start saying yes and back to living your life!

Your gut symptoms flare up at the slightest amount of stress in your life, and before you know it you're in pain, bloated or spending hours on the toilet. You feel as though you are caught in a never ending cycle of stress and gut issues, and you're desperately trying to break the pattern.

You rely on medication just to leave the house or to function throughout the day. Your bag, desk draw and car always have emergency laxatives, anti-spasmodics, or anti-diarrheals on hand... just in case, and despite the side effects, you can't imagine life without them.

You're tired of being the 'odd one out' at family gatherings and amongst your friends. You're the one that has to eat differently from everyone else, the one that disappears to the bathrooms for what feels like hours, and the one who is always cancelling plans at the last minute.

gut directed hypnotherapy means you don't have to keep putting up with ibs symptoms

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''When medication and changing my diet stopped working, hypnotherapy was my last resort! Before working with Jayne my IBS and anxiety made it impossible to leave the house, and I was constantly worried about eating in case it flared up my symptoms. Now my anxiety has gone, I’ve stopped worrying and feel calm around mealtimes. I’ve been able to retrain my brain and my thoughts and can now leave my house for the day to catch up with friends without any of the urgency I used to experience. I’m so happy I found Jayne and would highly recommend working with her. She is so warm and supportive, and it’s been absolutely wonderful!''

''Having spent years planning my life around the bathroom and feeling constantly glued to the toilet, I now have a whole new future ahead of me.''

~Teena, Australia

What's included within the 6 session program?

The Calm Gut IBS Program includes:

During your initial 1:1 consultation session we will work together to identify your primary areas of focus and concern. Together we will create a roadmap for regaining control over your IBS symptoms and set achievable goals so that you can start enjoying life again without IBS getting in the way. You'll also experience gut directed hypnotherapy as you are guided into a relaxed and focused state. On average gut directed hypnotherapy will be around 30 minutes in duration - the optimal time for hypnosis.

5 X 60 MINUTE FOLLOW UP consultations (VIA ZOOM)

Following your initial session we will meet every 1-2 weeks for your follow up gut directed hypnotherapy consultations. In these consultations you will experience a deeply relaxing and powerful gut directed hypnotherapy session. You'll also receive transformative coaching support, tools, guidance and help to break the vicious cycle of IBS symptoms that you're currently stuck in. Sessions are on average 35 minutes of coaching and CBT, and 25 minutes of gut directed hypnotherapy personalised to your symptoms and goals.


You will receive 3 x 20-30mins support recordings to listen to daily in between sessions. Your recordings will be selected based on the areas where you most need support and are provided after the 1st, 3rd and 5th session. These recordings are a key part of the program as they help to facilitate relaxation of your central nervous system, and regulate the brain gut axis so that your brain and gut start to talk to each other as they should.



In between sessions you will be provided with worksheets, resources and evidence based exercises to complete. These will help you to put your new skills into practice, strengthen the work we do together, and ensure you are set up for success with your very own ''self help toolkit''.

Ready to work together? Choose how to get started

6 x recorded zoom sessions 

You will be provided with a recording of each of your gut directed hypnotherapy sessions. These recordings will be available to download after each session, and ensure that you can revisit any of our sessions together as needed to reinforce the positive changes in your mind and body.

book now $799 USD

Book now $165 USD

  • BONUS email support between sessions
  • After your Initial Consultation, Follow Up Consultations are 60 minutes in length and charged at $150 USD per session.
  • Total investment $799 USD
  • Start with an Initial Consultation $165 USD

Book session by session

6 session program package

Option 1

Option 2

Start with Initial 90 minute Consultation

Prepay for 6 sessions and SAVE +10%

Book now $165 USD

''Before working with Jayne I experienced pain, distress and health related interference with my life on a daily basis. I honestly can’t remember a time where my stomach didn’t hurt. I was worried constantly and felt like nothing was working. Since working with Jayne I now live free of anxiety related to IBS and am able to work with a flare up to resolve it quicker and quicker. I’m having less and less symptoms and feeling more in control over my anxiety and health. I feel so much better! The tools and support she gave me were invaluable. I can’t recommend her enough! Thank you!''

“I'd been in and out of doctors, had tried western and alternative medicine, and felt like nothing was working... Working with Jayne has changed my life.”

~Elaine, California

Currently your gut and brain are not communicating as they should.

At its heart, IBS is a Dysfunction of the Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI) – which means that there is nothing physically wrong with your bowel. The problem is actually with its function, and is caused by a miscommunication between your gut and brain.

Currently your gut and brain are sending incorrect signals to each other, resulting in pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea.

What we need to do is ''fix’’ this miscommunication and retrain the way signals from your gut are interpreted by your brain. And the good news is you can do this using evidence-based gut directed hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural techniques. In fact, research has shown that hypnotherapy for IBS can be as effective as strict elimination diets, such as low FODMAP, for reducing IBS symptoms, and more effective than medications such as laxatives and antispasmodics.

Hypnotherapy has also been endorsed by the American College of Gastroenterology for treating IBS.

there's a reason you've not found relief yet

How The Calm Gut IBS Program Works

Here's how we transform your IBS

1. Restore Inner Balance

We restore your inner balance by focusing on calming and rebalancing your nervous system. Through the use of hypnosis, we change how your gut responds to pain and discomfort levels, and normalise the speed of your bowel.

3. Rebuild Inner Trust

Rebuilding trust and confidence in your body will help you move away from ''safety seeking'' and ''avoidance'' behaviours. This will allow you to enjoy activities that you've been putting on hold: eating out, weekends away, and time with your loved ones.

2. Reframe Inner Dialogue

We address the mental tension caused by anxious thoughts and hypervigilance which are keeping you in the IBS stress-symptom cycle.  By easing your body out of its ''stress response'' and into a state of ''rest & digest'', we can switch back on ''normal'' digestion.

The program works by using a unique blend of gut directed hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy & wellness coaching backed by science and over 35 years of evidence. Together I’ll help you restore normal bowel function, ease pain and discomfort, and relieve bloating and excess gas. 

"Within 2 weeks (and 2 sessions), I was able to eat so many foods that I hadn’t been able to eat in YEARS and even went to a restaurant and ordered off the menu without any alterations! That was one of the biggest turning points, as it was when I realised that I didn’t have to live my life suffering and just ‘putting up’ with my symptoms. They could be changed!''

“Suffering from IBS for 10 years… now symptom free and loving food again!

~Amy, Australia

What you can expect from the Calm Gut IBS Program:

Receive personal in-depth support to help reduce and manage your IBS symptoms whether you are struggling with pain, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, or feeling of urgency.

Be guided step-by-step on how to get back to eating the foods you love which may currently be triggering IBS symptoms and anxiety. Together we’ll address the fear around eating that is keeping you stuck when it comes to food.

Together we’ll create a personalised plan for you to address any lifestyle factors which are exacerbating your IBS symptoms. For example help with sleep and managing the stress in your life.

Be coached on how to apply proven strategies to help you take back control and quieten anxiety provoking and negative thoughts. 

Improve and strengthen your brain-gut connection with 6 personalised gut directed hypnotherapy sessions tailored to your symptoms & circumstances

Get help with moving through any challenges that come up while we work together. This may be a flare up of your symptoms or going through a particularly stressful situation in your life.

IT'S TIME TO take your life off hold and finally take back control of your gut

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Unsure if The Calm Gut Program is right for you? Let's chat.

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Sometimes it can be hard to know which step to take next. Let’s chat. Click the button below to book a free call or send me a message.

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Frequently Asked Questions


There are 2 basic criteria to working together inside of The Calm Gut Program. Firstly, you experience gut issues and have been diagnosed with IBS. And secondly, your symptoms are causing you some form of distress. No referral is required to work with me.


That’s completely normal, especially given it’s a new experience for you. When we start working together I’ll take you through everything you need to know and answer all your questions. Your comfort is my priority.


Yes. It is a great complement to existing treatments which you may be receiving through your medical doctor or other specialist. I frequently work with clients who are already working with nutritionists or gastroenterologists.


If you are new to gut directed hypnotherapy and CBT, and how these two mind-gut therapies are used to reduce IBS symptoms then you can read all about them here: Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for IBS & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for IBS.


In my experience the symptom reduction my clients achieve is long lasting. Furthermore a study in 2003 found that 81% of patients who completed a course of gut-directed hypnotherapy were still improved 5 years later without further intervention.


All you need to work with me is your mobile phone and good internet connection. Ideally, a computer or iPad is preferred when working 1:1 so that you can keep your hands free. Headphones are also recommended, but are not essential. No other equipment is needed.


Hypnotherapy is very safe, however hypnosis may not be appropriate in people with severe mental illness.


Be reassured that it works the same way as if we were in the room together, with the added benefit that you get to relax in the comfort of your own home. In fact, many of my clients prefer online hypnotherapy. In addition, once your eyes are closed it doesn't matter where I am, as my voice will guide you throughout. Research also supports online gut directed hypnotherapy as being equally as effective as face-to-face appointments. I've also been doing this work for several years, and clients achieve the same great results with virtual therapy.


Many of my clients come to me after years of trying restrictive diets or being put on countless different medications by their doctor to try and manage their symptoms. Unfortunately these measures are often unsuccessful. But here’s what I want you to know. The reason you haven’t found relief from IBS yet is that you have been focusing entirely on the symptoms, and not on the underlying reason for these symptoms – which is the miscommunication happening between your gut and your brain.


If you have undergone a program of hypnotherapy for IBS in the past but not seen a reduction in symptoms, or you are still experiencing gut issues, please get in touch. It’s important for me to understand more about the treatment you have received so that I can give you my informed opinion. From time to time I work with clients who have previously worked with other therapists for IBS or have used hypnotherapy apps such as Nerva, and they have all responded successfully to my method.


I work with clients from all around the world including those from countries where English is not their first language. So long as you are fairly fluent in English, there is no reason why we cannot work together. However, if you have any concerns or questions about this, please get in touch.