Meet Jayne | Gut Directed Hypnotherapist

Psychotherapist & Wellness Coach specialising in gut directed hypnotherapy and CBT for IBS

Hello, my name is Jayne Corner and it's a real pleasure to meet you! As a psychotherapist, gut directed hypnotherapist & wellness coach, I specialise in helping those suffering with IBS get long term relief from their symptoms inside of my Calm Gut IBS Program.

This approach is a unique combination of hypnotherapy for IBS (also known as gut directed hypnotherapy) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which on average can reduce symptoms by over 70-80%. Having struggled with painful IBS flare ups and debilitating gut symptoms as a teen and young adult, I understand what you're going through, and how desperately you want your gut to return to 'normal'. It's been over 15 years since I transformed my own IBS, and I'm now passionate about helping you do the same.

My work is grounded in science and over 35 years of evidence for IBS, and clients frequently tell me our sessions together are ‘life changing’. So, if you’re feeling tired and frustrated and worried that you’re never going to regain control of your gut, you’re in the right place.

Over the past 4 years I've helped hundreds of people regain control and get relief from their IBS and gut issues so that they can finally take their lives off hold and feel ''normal'' again. In addition to my work with clients, I’m also a guest speaker for two of the Hypnotherapy Associations in Australia and train other therapists in my approach. So rest assured you're in good hands.

my qualifications

diploma in cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy

diploma in clinical hypnotherapy

level 3 certified wellness coach

The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

The Academy of Hypnotic Sciences (RTO ID 21332)

Wellness Coaching Australia

IBS Hypnosis Practitioner

Gut Directed Hypnosis Certification

Imaginative Bremner Solutions for IBS Practitioner

MRH Board of Medical Hypnotherapy Practitioners

Pellen & Palmer


As seen in:

If you’re like many of my clients you’ve likely already tried following restrictive diets or taking medication to control your IBS symptoms. And perhaps these have helped? But your IBS symptoms are still getting in the way of you living your life, and you’re fed up with feeling anxious around food and fearing another painful flare up.

You’re not alone. Unfortunately for many people, dietary changes and medications just don’t bring relief. And this is because they don’t address the underlying problem.

What many people don't realise is that their IBS symptoms are actually being caused by faulty messaging occurring between the brain and the gut. Simply speaking, your gut is sending incorrect messages to your brain, and your brain is sending incorrect messages to your gut. This is why IBS is called a dysfunction of the gut brain interaction (DGBI). These problems cause your digestive tract to be very sensitive. They also change how your bowel muscles contract.

So, if you want to regain control of your bowel you need to ‘’fix’’ this miscommunication. And this Is exactly what I help you to do. Together we work to strengthen and retrain your gut-brain connection using science-backed gut directed hypnotherapy and CBT. With close to 40 years of research and solid evidence behind this approach, it's been proven to be just as effective as the low FODMAP diet, and can improve symptoms in more than 80% of people. Which means you can get long term relief without having to change what you’re eating or being dependent on medication.

Why work with a Gut Directed Hypnotherapist?

As a gut directed hypnotherapist and IBS specialist I'm here to help you transform your gut and take control of your IBS.

Gut directed hypnotherapy has over 40 years of research.

Normalise the speed at which waste products move through your bowel. This means it can help regardless if you have constipation or diarrhoea.

Dial down the sensitivity in how the nerves in your gut react to pain and discomfort - so you stop reacting to even ''normal'' processes of digestion.

Helps to reduce the impact of stress on your gut, & calms down and restore your gut brain connection so they can start working together again.

Here's how it can help to manage your IBS symptoms:

Book a free 30 minute consultation

Here's how we can work together

TRANSFORM YOUR IBS and get back to being in control

The Calm Gut Program is a unique blend of gut directed hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy & wellness coaching backed by science and over 35 years of evidence for IBS.

book now $799 USD

Book now $165 USD

  • Receive BONUS email support between sessions
  • Receive 6 months FREE access to The Calm Gut App valued at $42 USD.
  • After your Initial Consultation, Follow Up Consultations are 60 minutes in length and charged at $150 USD per session.
  • Total investment $799 USD
  • Start with an Initial Consultation $165 USD

Book session by session

6 session program package

Option 1

Option 2

Start with Initial 90 minute Consultation

Prepay for 6 sessions and SAVE +10%

My story of how I was able to stop my IBS symptoms.

I was 15 when I first experienced the debilitating flare ups, stomach pain and fatigue that IBS can bring. But it wasn’t until multiple trips to the doctors and several tests came back as normal, that I was finally given the diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Despite my test results coming back as normal, I felt exhausted, confused and frustrated. And what was this ‘’thing’’ called IBS?

“I’m sorry there is nothing we can do for you, you’ll just have to live with it” were the words given to me by my family doctor as he handed me a prescription for peppermint capsules. He went on to explain that my gut issues were likely brought on by the extreme emotional stress from a combination of exam pressure and my parents going through an ugly divorce. And off I went.

Over the months that followed, plans were cancelled, fear and anxiety crept in as to what to eat, and fatigue and the severe gut pain started to control what I did and where I went. Mealtimes were dictated by when I had taken my last peppermint capsule, and I felt so very alone.

But I refused to accept that this was my life, and I refused to accept the label of ‘IBS’.

However, it wasn’t until I purchased my first book on IBS that I started getting some answers and began to understand what Irritable Bowel Syndrome was all about.

I read about stress, the nerves in the gut, and the impact of emotions on gut pain and other IBS symptoms. And I read about food intolerances.

Subsequent tests showed sensitives to gluten and diary (which isn’t uncommon for people with IBS), and a further endoscopy confirmed that although eating gluten caused extreme fatigue, I did not have celiac (although I do have the gene).

During my early twenties, I became increasingly interested in health and wellbeing as I put into practice everything I was learning. I noticed real changes in my gut when I ate a wholefood diet, and when I didn’t allow my emotional stress to take over. I learnt how to cook, I learnt how to manage my emotions and stress, and I learnt to put myself first in my life.

My passion for health and wellness eventually led me away from a career in corporate marketing to wellness coaching, clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Now as a gut directed hypnotherapist specialising in IBS, I not only help my clients achieve incredible results, I’m also a guest speaker for two of the Hypnotherapy Associations in Australia and train other therapists in my approach. 

Living close to London, England I love nothing more than getting out and exploring the city and surrounding countryside. Gone are the days of extreme fatigue and being curled up in pain in bed. Looking back my life is unrecognisable and I'm here to help you finally know what it's like to have a calm and happy gut too.

Get in Touch

Get in touch to learn more about working together for gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS inside of The Calm Gut Program. I call London, England my home, but work with clients online all around the world via Zoom. Please look for a reply within 2 business days.

London, England

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Jayne Corner  - Copyright 2023 ©

Hypnotherapy for IBS and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can provide natural relief from IBS symptoms without restrictive diets or medications. Start your journey with science backed & evidence based programs and hypnosis downloads.

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy & CBT for IBS