Common Hypnosis FAQs

Hypnosis is best described as an inwardly focused and absorbed state and is a natural and normal state for you to enter into. It is in fact a special way of using various naturally-occurring psychological and physiological states.

It’s a collaborative process in which you allow yourself to follow the guidance of the therapist by using your imagination to evoke positive emotions and rehearse changes in behaviour. In the case of medical hypnosis, for example gut directed hypnotherapy, it has been found that being in the state of hypnosis allows someone to elicit change in how their body functions.

In addition to being an inwardly focused state, it is also a state where you experience increased attention, concentration, and what is described as suggestibility. Because hypnosis works with suggestions. And a suggestion is very simply an invitation for you to experience things differently. In gut directed hypnotherapy, suggestions are specially aimed at improving gut function.

For example, a suggestion used when you are in hypnosis may be for you to imagine that the flow of a river represents your gastrointestinal tract.

What is hypnosis?

Each of us will experience hypnosis differently, but generally it will feel deeply relaxing with a sense of inner calm. It is not a state of sleep or unconsciousness. In fact, roughly 90% of people report being aware of everything that happens inside of a session.

It’s also useful to point out that each time you enter into the state of hypnosis, the easier and quicker it will be. You’ll likely find that as you work more and more with therapeutic suggestions, that some images become more vibrant in your mind.

Hypnosis is definitely not a state of mind control. You cannot be made to do anything against your will. On the contrary, normally you must want to accept suggested ideas and actively imagine responding to experience their effects.

In fact, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This is because as you listen to the instructions provided to you, you are in fact putting yourself into the highly focused and suggestable state. And because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are always in control, free to open your eyes at any time, and free to choose not to accept the suggestions that you hear. Hypnosis is actually something you do!

What does hypnosis feel like?

Is hypnosis a form of mind control?

Hypnosis is completely safe when used in a responsible and professional manner. Nobody has ever been ‘’stuck’’ in hypnosis.

It’s also important to know that there are certain contraindications for hypnosis.

While it is generally understood to be an exceptionally safe practice, hypnotherapy may not be appropriate for people with the following: Schizophrenia, Pathological personality disorder, Dissociative identity disorder, Major depressive disorder, Suicidal behaviour disorder, Bipolar disorder, Alcohol or drug psychosis, Dementia, Narcolepsy, Epilepsy, Major heart conditions, or pregnancy during the first trimester.

Is hypnosis safe?

Because all hypnosis is self hypnosis, you are actually able to tap into and harness the amazing power of your mind without me being in the room with you. You see once your eyes are closed, my voice will continue to be with you - whether I am in the same location as you or not.

Being able to benefit from hypnosis in the comfort of your own home means you get to create the ideal environment for you, so you can relax right into your session. I find this especially important for those who may have struggled to experience the relaxed state of hypnosis in the past. Whether you have private sessions with me, or you listen to one of my carefully crafted hypnosis audio sessions or programs, you'll be able to experience the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach.

How does virtual hypnotherapy work?

The truth is that anyone can be hypnotised. In fact, it’s actually very easy. It doesn’t take any special skills or ability, and the things the seems to help are allowing yourself to relax, think positively, and paying attention to things. If you can daydream or use your imagination, then you be hypnotised.

Can I be hypnotised?

Although the idea of sleep learning is an attractive one, I'm afraid you need to be awake! This is because you need to be engaged with the suggestions that you are given. 

Does hypnosis work if I fall asleep?

While virtual therapy has many benefits, including greater timing flexibility and the elimination of commuting, it can also be challenging to find privacy and make the experience feel equally therapeutic. Here are 4 tips to prepare for virtual hypnotherapy.

Tip 1: Check Your Internet Strength
The biggest barrier to effective virtual therapy is a weak internet connection. No matter how connected you and your therapist are, if the screen is buffering or the video cuts out, you won’t have a good session. Before signing on, check which network you’re signed onto and how good the connection is. Some with unlimited data use their hotspots to ensure uninterrupted service.

Tip 2: Find a Unique Location
To distinguish therapy from work or leisure, find a special spot for it. If you work at a desk, try the couch or a different chair. If you work on the couch, sit on the other side of the couch. If you must use your desk chair, find a comfortable pillow or throw blanket to change the experience of being in that seat. Lower the lights or open a window. Find ways to tell your brain that you’re entering a new space.

Tip 3: Find a Way to Prop Up Your Phone/Computer
If at all possible, use a computer rather than a phone for virtual therapy. It allows a clearer connection and a more intimate experience. That said, some prefer or need to use their phone. If this is the case, make sure that you can prop your phone against something or organise yourself a phone stand. It is also important that I can see you from the shoulders up.

Tip 4: Wear headphones
I highly recommend that you use a headset during your session to both increase confidentiality, and the sound quality of your session

How to prepare for virtual therapy?

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Jayne Corner  - Copyright 2023 ©

Hypnotherapy for IBS and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can provide natural relief from IBS symptoms without restrictive diets or medications. Start your journey with science backed & evidence based programs and hypnosis downloads.

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy & CBT for IBS