You don't have to keep struggling with IBS & anxiety.

Take back control of your IBS without drugs or following restrictive diets with evidence based CBT & gut directed hypnotherapy. It's time to start living your life the way that you want, and I'm here to show you how (no matter where you live).

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Evidence based gut directed hypnotherapy personalised to you

As seen in:

The Ultimate Guide to Painful IBS Flare Ups

Discover what’s really causing your IBS flare ups, and how to calm your gut naturally without diets or drugs.

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I get it. You're frustrated and feel like you've tried everything...

My name is Jayne, and I'm a psychotherapist specialising in gut directed hypnotherapy and CBT for IBS. If you’re like many of my clients, you’ve likely tried it all. The restrictive diets, the medications, and trying to figure it out on your own. But your IBS symptoms are still stopping you from fully living your life, enjoying food like you used to, and feeling confident in your body.

But help is at hand. The Calm Gut IBS Program is a unique combination of gut directed hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy, which can reduce symptoms by over 70%. Working together, I help you restore normal bowel function, ease pain and discomfort, and relieve bloating and excess gas. My approach has helped hundreds of IBS sufferers get long term relief from painful and debilitating IBS symptoms, order off the menu again, stop thinking about the bathroom and finally have a body (and gut) they trust. And the improvements are long-lasting; a study in 2003 found that 81% of patients who completed a course of gut-directed hypnotherapy were still improved 5 years later.

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Let's change your gut (and your life) for the better.

The Calm Gut PROGRAM

A 6 session 1:1 online program combining evidence based and personalised gut directed hypnotherapy & tailored CBT strategies following my unique approach.

The Calm Gut APP

Join the Calm Gut App and get instant access to hypnosis sessions & guided CBT exercises to help manage your IBS symptoms, reduce anxiety & improve your life.

It's time to forget everything you've been told about Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Because contrary to what you may have been lead to believe,  food is not the problem. The connection between your gut and your brain is. In fact IBS is known as a disorder of the gut-brain interaction (DGBI), which means that your gut and your brain aren’t communicating as they should.

So if you want to transform your IBS, you have to address the underlying problem - and ''fix'' this miscommunication. This is what we focus on inside the The Calm Gut Program by strengthening and retraining your gut brain connection using a combination of science-backed hypnotherapy for IBS and CBT which have been reseached for 35+ years.

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''When medication and changing my diet stopped working, hypnotherapy was my last resort! Before working with Jayne my IBS and anxiety made it impossible to leave the house, and I was constantly worried about eating in case it flared up my symptoms. Now my anxiety has gone, I’ve stopped worrying and feel calm around mealtimes. I’ve been able to retrain my brain and my thoughts and can now leave my house for the day to catch up with friends without any of the urgency I used to experience. I’m so happy I found Jayne and would highly recommend working with her. She is so warm and supportive, and it’s been absolutely wonderful!''

''Having spent years planning my life around the bathroom and feeling constantly glued to the toilet, I now have a whole new future ahead of me.''

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~Teena, Australia

''Before working with Jayne I experienced pain, distress and health related interference with my life on a daily basis. I honestly can’t remember a time where my stomach didn’t hurt. I was worried constantly and felt like nothing was working. Since working with Jayne I now live free of anxiety related to IBS and am able to work with a flare up to resolve it quicker and quicker. I’m having less and less symptoms and feeling more in control over my anxiety and health. I feel so much better! The tools and support she gave me were invaluable. I can’t recommend her enough! Thank you!''

“I'd been in and out of doctors, had tried western and alternative medicine, and felt like nothing was working... Working with Jayne has changed my life.”

~Elaine, USA

''Before working with Jayne, my gut would rule my life. If I had a "bad" day and needed to go to the bathroom many times, my day would be completely ruined. My self-esteem would drop so low, and I would feel horrible. Working with Jayne inside of The Calm Gut Program was really great!  I always felt "re-set" afterwards. The biggest change I noticed after working together was being able to eat gluten again (and other foods I had eliminated) without any problems! I now feel strong and resilient to anything that will come up in my life, and ready to manage any stressful and uncertain events lying ahead - because I am calm in myself and confident in my body.''

“I can now eat gluten again (and other foods I had eliminated) without any problems!”

~Rebecca, Fiji

What Clients Say

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As a clinical & cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist with 7+ years' experience, I've presented my approach at both International and Australian Hypnotherapy Associations, trained other therapists in my approach and helped hundreds of IBS sufferers get relief.

Gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS has 40 years of research behind it, with average symptom reduction of over 70%. Research also shows the effectiveness of CBT in reducing the severity of IBS symptoms, and addressing the anxiety that frequently plays a role in symptom flare-up.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and gut directed hypnotherapy are the leading psychological approaches to managing IBS. This means that you don't have to restrict your diet in order to reduce IBS symptoms. I combine both approaches to increase client success rates.

Learn about the calm gut program

Learn about the calm gut program

Why work with me?


Evidence Based

Combined Approach